Frequently Asked Questions
- What is lacrosse?
- Look up the history of lacrosse, it is absolutely fascinating and I would do it an injustice by attempting to describe it.
- After coaching and watching just about every youth sport you can imagine, lacrosse is honestly the most fun sport to watch as a parent. It's fast, it's physical, teamwork is paramount, and it gives kids the opportunity to show their natural athleticism!
- When is the season?
- The season runs from early February and finishes up at the end of April or beginning of May. Weather may impact the schedule as you'd expect.
- What gear does my son need?
- All 8U and up will be required to have a NOCSAE certified lacrosse helmet, shoulder pads with hard chest plate, arm/elbow pads, a lacrosse stick (a crosse), cleats, mouthguard (attached to helmet), and water bottle.
- The 6U program is new for Spring '25 and they are only required to wear cleats and a mouthguard. Gloves are optional, but preferred.
- What color equipment does my son need?
- We understand that youth athletics can become expensive so we strive to make it affordable for our fellow sports-parents. We prefer that each boy wears a white helmet, but understand that's not always possible. Above all else, please ensure the equipment is safe and purchased from a reputable source.
- For our children, we prefer to prioritize our equipment costs on helmets in lieu of the newest "drippy" cleats or fancy gloves. They grow out of those things and destroy them quickly anyway!
- The color for the rest of the equipment is not important. White is always good, as it's a universal color they will likely be able to use as they continue to progress and play in other programs. Plus, it's hot and black heats up quicker.
- What team is my son on?
- Team assignments will be determined based on roster numbers and skill levels.
- NFYLL mandates that each program field "balanced" teams and we do our best to ensure that is accomplished.
- We will NOT intentionally field imbalanced teams with the purpose of gaining a competitive advantage. That is not the type of behavior that we model for our players.
- Where do we practice?
- Plantation Park, on Race Track Road. It is the field complex adjacent to Fruit Cove Middle School. The Saturday games against our NFYLL opponents are also held at our home park, a very nice advantage.
- What is something very important that you need us to know?
- We are ALWAYS looking for goalies. Lacrosse goalies are always in incredibly short supply and these boys will immediately have an advantage when it comes to making higher-level teams. Each team has goalie equipment so it does not increase your costs at all.
- What's the deal with those long sticks? Do we need to buy one of those too?
- Those are "poles" that are primarily for defensemen. No, you don't need to buy one and we'd prefer you hold off on that purchase. Our HS Coaches recommend that young players become very comfortable throwing, catching, and fielding ground balls with a normal sized (attack or midfield) stick before moving to a longer shaft.
- If your 12U or 14U son really enjoys playing defense and it looks like that is his natural position, then I'd suggest opening up the conversation with his coaches about purchasing a pole. If you do plan on purchasing a pole, it shouldn't be taller his nose (including the head).
- Where are most of the kids in the program from?
- Historically we have about 25% that are zoned for Creekside HS, 25% Bartram Trail HS, and 25% Beachside HS. The final 25% come from all over (Tocoi, Nease, etc.). We also have some families drive quite a bit farther from Saint Augustine, Beaches area, or Orange Park because our program has been the right fit for their family.
- I want to get involved but I don't know much (or anything) or anything about lacrosse?
- We firmly believe that anyone with the right attitude and demeanor can provide value on the field. Due to the demographics of our area, there are simply not a lot of adults with lacrosse experience. You're not alone. We intentionally disperse our "lacrosse guys" throughout the program to ensure each age group has an appropriate level of lacrosse knowledge across the coaching staff. The good news is that the sport is growing at an incredible rate in our local area, and more generally in the southeastern US.
- We strive to make each team, and the program at large, a community! This is only possible with additional volunteers as "team parents" or assistant coaches to provide the best possible experience for our players. It's all about our players!
- We are always looking for folks that want to step up and assist. Just let us know and I'd bet we can find a way for you to be involved.
If there's anything that we haven't covered, please don't hesitate to reach out via email to Give us a day or two to respond as we're volunteers and have kids and jobs.
We have partnered with Bardown lacrosse to help outfit our boys at a discounted price. This flyer provides additional details regarding equipment packages: